The Health and Wellness Community Service Program identifies issues affecting the well-being of individuals, families, and local communities to share at monthly meetings and in our newsletter. This allows members to focus their efforts on meeting many of these needs through volunteer service and donations during the year, at the holidays, or after an emergency.
This tradition of serving the needs of the community began when club members helped open Frederick’s first playground three days each week. Our club members were the driving force in the establishment of a barrier-free Frederick community with accessible sidewalk ramps, special parking areas, and doorways to accommodate wheelchairs.
Senior Programs
Club members focus their efforts in assisting seniors living at the Frederick County Montevue Assisted Living facility. We help residents play bingo and it is hard to say who has more fun-the residents or the volunteers! Twice a year, members donate McDonald’s gift cards to the residents, many of whom are on assistance and can’t afford even small treats on tight budgets. Members also donate snack items. Most of all, we donate our time and our hearts to the residents to enhance their life satisfaction, and ours.
Our members also donate food and pack meals for seniors served by Meals on Wheels.
Holiday Programs
Many members donate Santa hats during the December holiday season and do bell ringing for the local Salvation Army. We also fill large Christmas stockings with age appropriate toys, games, and clothing for needy children in the community.
Copyright © 2018 The Frederick Woman's Civic Club, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
A 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization - Frederick, MD